Youth Wing
In addition to involving youths in the Networks, the Youth Wing at the SCTA Committee is another key initiative to facilitate deeper local youth engagement as it will give youngsters a chance to get to know each other and do meaningful activities together.
The Youth wing bring like-minded youths together through interest groups, bring about an impact to the Ceylonese through community programmes and organise activities for fellow youths and friends.

At SCTA Youth Wing, our goal is to build a society that believes in the strengths and goodness of every youth. We hope to empower all young people to become strong and positive individuals.
If you are a youth, come join our engaging and fun programmes focused on helping you achieve great things for yourself and our community. Looking for guidance or a mentor to help you through a challenging time? We welcome you to visit our association to speak to our mentors. Together, we will help you recognise and activate your unique strengths to reach your full potential in life.